Saturday, August 28, 2010

what's been missing this summer ?

Well, at least here in Seattle, the most obvious thing missing this summer was the sun. Which directly correlates to another thing missing this multiple posts about the tomatoes in our garden. It's been a very sad season for the tomatoes, although we are starting to see many ripen in the past few days. We stuck to our favorite again this year - the Sungold. Only four plants, which is a small number for us. But maybe that was for the best.

What seems to be loving this weather are the greens and the kohlrabi. I planted seeds on August 2nd and we've been enjoying salads for the past week. The kohlrabi will take a bit longer, but the planter box is brimming.

From left - spinach, kohlrabi, red leaf and green leaf lettuces.

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