Thursday, January 20, 2011

a day of Deception . . .

We took advantage of yesterday's beautiful sunny weather with a quick trip to Deception Pass State Park , at the northern end of Whidbey Island.  

Plaque reads:

Deception Pass
  Named by Captain George Vancouver, 10 June, 1792.  Feeling that he had been “deceived” as to the nature of the inner waterway, Port Gardner, he wrote on his chart “Deception Pass”.  He honored Master Joseph Whidbey, who found the passage while commanding a small-boat crew of explorers, by naming the island “Whidbey”

Velocity of currents in Deception Pass 5 to 8 knots per hour.  
Depth varies 4 to 37 fathoms
1 knot  6082.66 feet                        1 fathom   6 feet

We had lunch at a picnic table along the waterfront.  Not too bad for a January day. The sun was fun while it lasted.    

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